IT Solutions for Manufacturing: Securing the Future of Industry

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IT Support
November 1, 2022
Increasing workforce productivity for a manufacturing company with effective IT solutions

The manufacturing industry is a cornerstone of society, driving innovation and creating products that improve our quality of life. As we enter a new digital transformation era, it's more important than ever for manufacturers to have a robust IT infrastructure. However, the manufacturing industry faces unique challenges when it comes to IT support. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the biggest IT challenges faced by manufacturers today and how to overcome them.

The biggest IT challenges faced by manufacturing companies today

The manufacturing industry is under pressure like never before. With global competition increasing and margins getting tighter, manufacturing companies must embrace digital transformation to remain competitive. This can include investing ins software an apps optimised for a manufacturing business as well as robust IT systems. However, this digital transformation comes with its own set of challenges, specifically when it comes to IT. Here are some of the biggest IT challenges faced by manufacturers today:

Infographic: challanges a manufacturing business faces when protecting their manufacturing business data.

Securing Remote Sites of a large manufacturing business

One of the biggest challenges facing manufacturing sites is the size and spread of the facilities. Often, these sites are located in multiple locations, which can make providing IT support a challenge. In addition, these sites may not have on-site IT expertise, making it difficult to resolve issues in a timely manner. To compound these issues even further, many manufacturing sites are located in remote areas with limited or no connectivity to the outside world.

While remote locations may be great for efficient supply chains, all this can make patching and updating software applications a significant challenge for the manufacturing sector, as well as make it difficult to provide timely support when issues do arise.

But issues are inevitable, so it's important to have a plan in place to resolve them quickly and efficiently and preferably proactively so the issue never has a chance to become a real problem.

This may mean having someone on-call 24 hours a day, or it may simply mean having a remote monitoring system in place that allows you to remotely access the site and resolve issues as they arise. Either way, it's important to be prepared with Robust IT Support so that you can provide the best possible support for your manufacturing site.

It solutions for manufacturing: securing the future of industry.

Cyber Security Concerns for the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry is also facing heightened cybersecurity concerns in recent years. With the influx of new connectivity technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), manufacturers are increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In addition, intellectual property theft is also a major concern for manufacturers, as competitors may attempt to reverse engineer products or steal trade secrets.

For this reason, phishing is a legitimate concern for businesses wanting to protect their intellectual property as well as data about clients and suppliers. This is when an email or website looks like it's from a legitimate source, but is actually a malicious attempt to collect sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. If you're not careful, phishing can spell disaster for your business.

Infographic: steps a manufacturing business can take to secure their IT systems

Luckily, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your business:

  1. Educate yourself and your employees on the dangers of and phishing.
  2. Invest in security measures like firewalls and anti-virus software.
  3. Stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends so you can be prepared for anything that comes your way. 

By taking these steps, you can help keep your business safe from the competition.

The One Point offers Unlimited, All inclusive, Fixed Cost IT Support for all your business needs when you have not got the time or expertise in-house to manage these processes. As well as this we can help you get started on the road to becomng Cyber Essentials certified.

Business Continuity Planning for the manufacturing process

No business is immune to disaster, but some are better prepared than others. That's because they have a robust disaster recovery plan in place. This plan should include data backup and recovery solutions as well as failover protocols for mission-critical systems. With these measures in place, manufacturing companies can be confident that they can weather any storm and continue operations with minimal disruption. So what does a disaster recovery plan look like? Here are a few key components.

Data backup and recovery is essential for any business, but it's especially important for manufacturers. That's because downtime can cost them millions of pounds in lost productivity. By backing up data regularly, manufacturers can ensure that they can recover from any system outage or data loss quickly and efficiently. There are a number of different data backup and recovery solutions available, so it's important to choose one that best fits the needs of your business.

Failover protocols are another important component of a disaster recovery plan. These protocols help to keep mission-critical systems online in the event of a failure or outage. By having failover protocols in place, manufacturers can avoid costly downtime and keep their operations running smoothly.

A good disaster recovery plan is essential for any manufacturer. By backing up data regularly and having failover protocols in place, manufacturers can ensure that they can keep their operations running smoothly - no matter what happens.


As we enter a new era of digital transformation, manufacturing processes must rise to meet the challenges posed by IT to maintain a competitive edge. By addressing these challenges head-on, manufacturers can secure the future of their businesses and remain competitive in today's ever-changing marketplace.

As a business owner, you know that having a dependable IT support system is vital to your success. But what if you could get all the IT support you need for a fixed price, unlimited and all inclusive? And what if that price included anti-virus, security and remote monitoring? 

That's what The One Point offers businesses like yours. With our proactive unlimited IT support, you'll never have to worry about being persistent downtime or paying too much for support. So why wait? Contact us today and let us show you how we can help your business thrive.

With The One Point all your business data will be in one place meaning your IT systems, data security, cloud computing, mobile devices and more are all protected with one single remote access solution.

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