Environmental Policy

- Resource Efficiency - Managing Materials - Managing Energy - Managing Water - Office Equipment - Suppliers, partners and clients - Consideration and implementation - Legal Compliance - The One Point Obligations
The One Point considers good environmental performance a fundamental part of its business activities. It ensures a positive environmental approach is portrayed to, amongst others, customers, employees, local residents and suppliers. We believe that the Company and its staff have a responsibility to protect and enhance the environment in which it operates.The One Point environmental policy (2020) is outlined below:
Resource Efficiency
We will try to minimise our resource use without compromising our business efficiency. We will be particularly concerned about resources that we regularly use in our core business, such as paper, packaging, energy and water.
Managing Materials
Paper is the material we use most of all the materials consumed by The One Point in our daily operations. We aim to manage our use of this resource as follows:

- By minimising the use of paper by the increasing use of electronic communication.
- The reusing of paper where appropriate.
- By sending the used paper for recycling through the Local Authority Recycling scheme.
- By recycling packaging materials through our local commercial waste recycling partners.
- We engage in our business partners' recycling schemes for items such as drum units and toner cartridges.
- Recycling of aluminium components through licensed reclamation agents.

Our current independent recycling audit confirms that the following materials are separated for recycling or reuse;

- Paper
- Cardboard
- Glass
- Metals
- Wood
- Drum Cartridges
- Canon Digital Equipment
Managing Energy
We will aim to achieve energy efficiency in our operations. Staff will be encouraged to ensure that their workstations use energy efficiently.

All of our company vehicles use highly efficient low emission diesel engines.

Staff will be encouraged to use public transport rather than private vehicles for practical work-related travel.

Car sharing schemes have been encouraged and are supported by the Company.

The management team will be responsible for ensuring that the office's heating, cooling, air-conditioning, and lighting will be as energy-efficient as possible.
Managing Water
Staff will be encouraged to be aware of their personal water consumption in the office context and endeavour to be as efficient as possible.
Office Equipment
Modern and advanced computer equipment that will last as long as possible will be purchased to reduce the need to replace redundant equipment too quickly. On-going maintenance and upgrading of computer equipment will reduce the need to regularly replace computer equipment.
Suppliers, partners and clients
We will communicate our environmental policy both within the Company and to our suppliers, partners and clients. We will endeavour to use suppliers with well-considered ecological practices and procedures. We encourage feedback from our clients to best meet our aims and objectives. We shall meet regularly with our suppliers to confirm that we are taking advantage of all of their refurbishment schemes and to ensure that other opportunities are explored jointly as they arise.
Consideration and implementation
Our environmental policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to consider any new research and developments in environmental management. We will also review the policy in light of the expectations and requirements of our clients and other business partners. The suitability of our suppliers and their environmental policies will be reviewed simultaneously. Our Management team will review the environmental policy on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Directors for improvements.
We will ensure that our practices comply with the laws promoting sustainable environmental businesses and endeavour to achieve a higher voluntary standard.
The One Point Obligations
Any equipment to be disposed of will be done in accordance with current regulations. Our aim is that every recycling opportunity will be explored before alternative disposal methods are employed.
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