Protecting yourself from email scammers

Tech Blog
Cyber Security
April 26, 2023
phone displaying scam emails
  • Never trust a link within an email that you were not expecting.
  • Stop and think before you click on any unexpected emails or requests.
  • Become part of the organisation's "human firewall" by being vigilant for suspicious emails.

As a business owner, you've probably invested in various cybersecurity solutions such as spam blockers and firewalls to protect your business from cyber threats.

But the harsh reality is that these solutions are not infallible. Cybercriminals are always finding new and creative ways to bypass email security and infiltrate your network.

infographic email scammer

So, what can you do? In this blog post, we'll explore why spam blockers and firewalls are only part of your cybercrime defences and why the human touch is a crucial part of your business's defence against cyber threats.

Technical tactics that scammers use

Security filters typically operate by searching for distinct textual patterns, file formats, or links to websites that are recognised as suspicious. A common tactic used by scammers is to upload a dangerous file onto a well-known file-sharing platform like Dropbox or Google Drive. Uploading the file to a reputable site can help them bypass email filters' security measures.

Remember: Be cautious of clicking on links in emails, even if they appear to be from familiar websites, especially if you weren't anticipating the email.

Scammers use social engineering

Cybercriminals can use social engineering to bypass security filters and launch malicious attacks without requiring links or attachments. They are able to exploit people's trust, creating a dangerous situation for anyone who isn't paying attention.

Social engineering is when a scammer poses as someone else and tricks you into sharing sensitive information.  Scammers use social engineering to manipulate unsuspecting victims into revealing sensitive information. By disguising themselves as someone trustworthy, like a manager or a technician from IT, fraudsters lure people with seemingly legitimate requests and emails.

Keep an eye out for warning signs of these sneaky tactics! When they have gained your trust scammers try to use this disguise to trick you into responding to requests seeking sensitive information, confidential attachments, or even money.

Remember: Stop and think before you click. Were you expecting this email? Is this an unusual request? Is there another way that this person can, or should, securely gather this information?

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Be part of your organisation's defence

It is impossible for technology to detect all threats since attackers are human. Thus, it is vital to be an active participant in your company’s human firewall. Always remain vigilant for any dubious emails.

1. Be Wary of Attachments and Links

2. Use Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

3. Never Share Personal Information

4. Educate Yourself and Your Employees


Email scams are becoming more sophisticated; however, using the tips outlined in this article will help you stay protected. Stay vigilant, and remember that a little caution goes a long way in ensuring your email security.

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