TOP MD to get his hands 'muddy' in Broadband debate this Thursday

Company News
December 14, 2010
Broadband debate

Martin Lauer, The One Point's Group MD will be discussing the connectivity challenges and opportunities facing people and businesses in Hull and East Yorkshire at this month's HumberMUD event at Fruit on Humber Street this Thursday. He is joined by Cllr John Robinson and Simon Davison from Fibrestream.

The questions they will answer will include:

We like to moan about Karoo but is it as good as anywhere else?

How concerned do we need to be about Karoo?

Are we on a par with the rest of the UK?

Do we have the same service?

The event starts at 7pm and promises to be lively discussion about the history of broadband in Hull and paint an accurate picture about where we stand.

Martin Lauer said; "I aim to discuss pragmatically the issues and opportunities we encumber with a sole fixed line supplier in Hull. As a company we work with KCOM so can look at the argument from both sides. also aim to increase awareness about the other broadband options available in Hull such as our very own Hull Broadband solutions - which include over air, sim and fixed."

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