This summer The One Point offers valuble work experience to young people

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IT Support
July 20, 2023
Alfie watches the one point team in action

At The one Point, we pride ourselves on providing professional and valuable work experience opportunities to young individuals who have an interest in the field of IT. Doing so helps inspire those looking to pursue a career in the field and demonstrates the skills and knowledge necessary for success.

Meet Alfie, one of our work experience students over the summer

This week, we welcomed Alfie from Hessle Academy High School and Sixth Form.

Alfie is currently studying Advanced Maths and Computer Science and has so far shown a great interest in IT. Alfie intends to continue his studies at University level but first wants to get some real-world experience in IT.

Our IT team has been delighted to support Alfie this week and provide him with an all-round understanding of the possibilities of a career in the IT field.

He has had the opportunity to shadow our customer support experts, watching them interact with customers and answering their questions. This experience has helped Alfie to understand not only the technical aspects of IT support but also the importance of effective communication and customer service.

Furthermore, Alfie has also been given the chance to learn about hardware procurement and setup. Our IT team showed him how we go about researching and purchasing new hardware to meet our customers' demands. He has also learned how we set up hardware for new customers and how we configure it to meet their specific needs.

A future in IT for young people

By giving Alfie the opportunity to develop his technical expertise, we hope that he will be able to pursue a successful career in IT after completing his studies.In conclusion, it is our belief that providing young people like Alfie with opportunities for meaningful work experience will equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

We are proud to be part of the journey for many starting out their careers, as we believe it speaks to our commitment to training and developing tomorrow's IT professionals.

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