Protecting your business on the go.

Tech Blog
Cyber Security
April 15, 2024
Protect your business on the go: The dangers of public Wi-Fi
  • It is essential that your employees are aware of cyber threats and the impact it could have on your business, even something simple like connecting to a public WI-FI could put your data at great risk.
  • Ensuring that your data is not leaked is hugely important utilising HTTPS networks, VPN's and cellular network options are all methods of keeping your roaming habits private and secure.

For many businesses that have adopted a hybrid or fully remote working environment, the convenience of working on the go may be the option for many of their employees. Typically, public Wi-Fi will undeniably be used at coffee shops or airports when meetings are held. However, this convenience comes with a stark reality; most public Wi-Fi networks lack encryption, leaving your business data alarmingly vulnerable to cyber threats. When your employees connect to these networks, they essentially share your private business data with cyber criminals who intercept their connections.

To ensure that your business is kept protected and any sensitive information is not leaked whilst connected to public Wi-Fi, these considerations must be made:

  1. Prioritise HTTPS Websites: Encourage your employees to look for website URLs that start with "HTTPS" instead of "HTTP". The S signifies a secure connection, indicating that the website encrypts data transmission, making it harder for cybercriminals to intercept.
  2. Utilise a VPN (virtual private network): If your organisation offers a VPN service, ensure all wireless communications, regardless of whether the website uses HTTPS. This added layer of security protects your data from potential breaches.
  3. Explore Cellular Network Options: Consider providing your employees with wireless devices from cellular providers. Unlike Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G networks offer a different layer of security and are not subject to the vulnerabilities of public Wi-Fi networks. This alternative ensures a safer browsing experience for your team members.

Before allowing employees to work remotely or in public places, it is essential to empower them with knowledge about these security measures. By incorporating these measures into your organisation's data security policies, you are not only protecting your business but also making your employees feel valued and integral to the security process. Additionally, setting up VPN connections or obtaining cellular network cards for secure access can mitigate the risk of corruption.

By implementing these precautions and staying vigilant, your business can minimise the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks and safeguard its sensitive information from cyber threats. Prioritising data security is paramount in today's digital world, and taking proactive steps can prevent costly data breaches and protect your business' reputation.

Chat to our team today about cyber security today: 01482 420150

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