Microsoft, O2 and The One Point's green initiatives

Company News
September 24, 2020
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As climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, The One Point and some of it's largest partners, including Microsoft and O2, have all implemented green intiatives to ensure they are doing their bit in the fight against climate change.

Microsoft's latest green pledge is to replenish more water than it consumes:

"While the world will need to reach net zero, those of us who can afford to move faster and go further should do so. That's why today we are announcing an ambitious goal and a new plan to reduce and ultimately remove Microsoft's carbon footprint.

By 2030 Microsoft will be carbon negative, and by 2050 Microsoft will remove from the environment all the carbon the company has emitted either directly or by electrical consumption since it was founded in 1975.

We recognize that progress requires not just a bold goal but a detailed plan. As described below, we are launching today an aggressive program to cut our carbon emissions by more than half by 2030, both for our direct emissions and for our entire supply and value chain. We will fund this in part by expanding our internal carbon fee, in place since 2012 and increased last year, to start charging not only our direct emissions, but those from our supply and value chains."

More information about Microsoft's carbon negative pledge can be found here.

O2 reveals vision for a greener, connected future - 5G to play key role in building a greener economy:

"Advances in mobile technology are set to play a key role in helping the UK achieve Net Zero by 2050. Powered by 5G, the application of smart connected solutions in key sectors could save the UK up to 269 megatonnes of CO2 by 2035. If achieved, this would save almost as much CO2 as all of England's emissions in 2018 (280 megatonnes).

O2's new report - entitled 'A greener connected future' conducted in partnership with IC&CO and Cenex found that ultrafast 5G connectivity and the solutions it enables are expected to cut carbon emissions across a number of sectors, with utilities and home energy expected to see the greatest benefit. O2's research findings estimate that smart tech will enable up to 181 megatonnes of CO2 to be removed from the sector by 2035. The mobile network is in the process of rolling out 5G across the UK, with 60 sites already live and plans to reach 70 before the end of the year."

Mark Evans, O2 CEO, said: 'Ultrafast connectivity can play a significant part in rebuilding Britain whilst helping to green the economy, and at O2 we are committed to playing our part.'

Our 'A Greener connected future' report sets out a vision for how connected solutions enabled by 4G and 5G could power a green revolution over the next decade and beyond. If we invest now, there is a real opportunity for Britain to become a leading adopter of 5G and unleash the power of connected solutions to build a greener future for generations to come.'

More information about O2's 'Greener Connected Future' can be found here.

WEEE Recycling and Data Destruction with The One Point:

As a Managed Technology company dealing with all sorts of hardware and sensitive data, we make it our mission to recycle and dispose of these items in the most efficient and correct manner.

WEEE recycling stands for Waste and Electrical Equipment recycling; it's a blanket term for electrical equipment that is no longer required. It covers equipment powered via a plug or battery. It also includes components used to make electrical equipment. All electrical waste contains chemicals that are harmful to the environment. When WEEE is simply dumped in landfills, over time the products decay and leak toxins into the earth and our waste systems. This can lead to the toxins entering our food chain and ultimately, into us.

When your business disposes of redundant hardware, such as hard drives, are you considering whether these will be properly recycled or if the sensitive data within will be 100% destroyed?

At The One Point, we can help recycle and destroy 100% of sensitive data, for all types of IT storage devices and electronic media; including items such as hard drives, media tapes or CDs / DVDs etc.

The One Point data destruction services:

  • Secure data destruction, performed by highly trained staff
  • Satellite tracked vehicles for collections
  • Destruction performed within our authorised storage facility
  • Data Destruction certificate provided upon completion
  • 100% recycling of media after all sensitive data is destroyed

More information about WEEE Recycling and Data Destruction with The One Point can be found here.

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