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Digital Transformation to cloud technologies is predicted to grow in momentum long after lockdown.
With BREXIT out of the way (whether you wanted it or not) it's time to think about PBXIT!
Old PBX systems are no longer fit for modern UK businesses, a fact proven over the past year when this aged technology was left unable to support the demands a new working landscape leaving businesses that had not yet embraced digital transformation to lag behind.
Now that the workforce of Britain has surged in its confidence and trust with modern, fit, streamlined and efficient cloud communication technology the gap will only widen for businesses that continue to rely on PBX.
Cloud Communication is a change predicted to grow in momentum long after lockdown and can bring immediate benefits to your business now!
Take a look at some of the benefits cloud has to offer:
Connectivity is an essential requirement in underpinning the quality and reliability of any cloud solution. We offer best-in-class connectivity options with broadband and FTTC and allowing PSTN interconnect to the core. It's time to unify all your office, homeworkers and mobile users into one network solution - truly uniting all of your telephone devices and numbers to one ISO 27001 accredited solution.
The One Point - Keeping Britain Working Award Finalists 2020
Disaster Recovery
Disaster avoidance is always better than disaster recovery but when the worst happens be ready with the ultimate peace of mind solution.
Make use of features such as a preset routing policy for customers, sites, group services such as call centre queues and individual users to automatically reroute calls in a disaster. The logic of routing at a granular scale allows DR to activate at an appropriate level, for example, if a single site is snowed in or the access is severed.
The One Point - Customer Service Award Winners 2020 see what our customers say
Toll Fraud Protection
Ease the concern of toll fraud and hacking, a topic that causes great concern for our customers. An ultimate fail-safe in case the worst happens, rely on The One network to automatically shut down any extension or group 24/7/365 if call spend limits are breached.
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At The One Point we can help support organisations looking to take steps to modernise the technology on which their business depends. Reach out for a chat with our award-winning team to learn how to get ahead and stay ahead.